The brown spot adjacent to Goethal Park will soon be home to another mini-storage business.

Richland city councilmembers proved Tuesday night what many residents have known for a long time – they do not read the packet of information given to them before the meetings.

In response to citizen questions that came up about a mini-storage development planned on Wellsian Way, Public Works Director Pete Rogalsky read the information to the councilmembers that he had included in their pre-meeting packet. 

Councilmembers laughably gushed over Rogalsky’s presentation of material that they received last week but obviously never looked at.

Councilmember Terry Christensen praised Rogalsky for answering all of his questions.

After Rogalsky finished his reading, Councilmember Bob Thompson asked, “What is the project?”

The first sentence of the one-page project summary on page 32 of the packet clearly says, “ABC Wellsian Way, LLC intends to construct a commercial mini-storage development at 302 Wellsian Way…..”

The city will give the Spokane mini-storage developer an easement that was intended as an extension of Davenport Street to Wellsian Way, because, according to Rogalsky, it is the policy of the city to create taxable use for property that is not economically productive. Rogalsky said that the developer will make road improvements elsewhere that will make the easement donation worthwhile.

School children currently use the easement as a path to walk to Carmichael Middle School and Richland High School.

According to Rogalsky, a 30-foot-wide section will remain as an undeveloped pathway because a water pipe lies under it.

Rogalsky used a sharpie to show where a stormwater pipe that drains the Davenport and Comstock Streets area runs though the developer’s property. Since the city doesn’t have an easement for the pipe that has been there for about 60 years, it must be moved.

Rogalsky claimed the pipe was of little use but plans to give the developer $20,000 to relocate it.  Apparently, his sharpie ran out of ink before he could mark the relocation site.

After the packet reading, the council voted to approve the item.